Spyderco UK Penknife Blue FRN Leaf Blade CombinationEdge Knife
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Price: $41.95 ![Updated Price for Spyderco UK Penknife Blue FRN Leaf Blade CombinationEdge Knife now](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-QWziAAfWQyE/Uk50qt6twjI/AAAAAAAAACE/Nynq7qs8pMU/s47/update2.gif)
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Product Feature
- Ambidextrous deep pocket tip-up wire clip.
- Finger choil. Spine jimping.
- Hollow-ground blade. Leaf-Shaped blade.
- Made in Golden, Colorado.
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Product Description
Spyderco’s non-locking, one-hand open, clip carry folders are called SLIPITS. Starting in 2004, Spyderco launched a folding knife model called the UK Penknife, targeted for carry in the United Kingdom where newly imposed legal restrictions forbade folding knives with locking blades. As the SLIPIT concept gains momentum Spyderco keeps expanding the line with folders in varying sizes, steels and handles. Newly added are Lightweight SLIPITS. Lightweight UK Penknife blades are held open by a notched-joint at the knife’s pivot. When closing the blade the notch produces resistance functionally similar to traditional slip-joint penknives. Heightening control and comfort, Spyderco designers added a deep finger choil positioning the index finger on the bottom of the blade directly under the thumb. This lets you choke up near the cutting edge with comfort and dexterity. A tension-wire clip carries the folder deeply in a pocket, tip-up and ambidextrously. How is this for variety- the Lightweight Penknife comes with a GIN-1 Drop Point or Leaf Shaped blade (both hollow-ground) in three edge configuration choices, PlainEdge, SpyderEdge and CombinationEdge. Also pick your preference of a black (PE only), blue, gray or maroon FRN handle.
Spyderco UK Penknife Blue FRN Leaf Blade CombinationEdge Knife Review
When I originally bought this knife I missed the fact that it's not a lock back. I actually find this unique in a single blade knife, so I am happy with this surprise.
This is my first ever Spyderco knife, although I am an amateur collector of pocket knives (I own about 30 of all different types and brands). This is my sharpest blade, by far, right out of the box. I've read countless reviews about Spyderco knives and how they just "feel" like a high quality blade in your hand, and now I know what everyone was talking about!
The knife is very light and in my opinion, the perfect size. It's small enough to by an EDC (every day carry) knife, but it's large enough (the handle is wide enough) so it won't get stuck in the middle of your keys if you keep it in the same pocket as your keys, like I do. This is important to me, because on multiple occasions with other knives, they've accidentally come out with my keys and fallen on the ground. Not the case with this knife.
One other thing worth mentioning, I don't like the side the clip is on and it is NOT reversible. It's on the side so the blade tip is facing up, when you reach into your pocket, so if it opens accidentally it could be bad. This has never happened to me, but my father had an experience like that at one point in his life with a different brand knife. (The clip is not a big deal to me, because I don't use the clip. I just keep the knife in my pocket.)
One FINAL thing to mention. It's made in the good old USA! I'm not against foreign products, but it still warms my heart when I find something that's still made in the USA and this is one of them. At least when I bought mine it was. Everything changes with time.
Oh, one more thing. I am not an expert with flipping open blades with one hand, but I would say it's near impossible to do this with this knife. I'm guessing because it's not a lockback I think it's made to take a little more force to open and close and I can't flip it open as easily as some of my other knives. Again, not a big deal to me.
Final recommendation. 2 Thumbs way up, based on the size, extreme sharpness, and USAness of this knife!
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